Thursday, February 25, 2010

Two for One

QUESTION: Please, is there a way to use Dynamind for working with entities? And what is your opinion on food restrictions?

ANSWER: First, to work with an entity using Dynamind (DMT) locate one place in your body where you feel the presence of the entity, or a symptom of that presence, and make a statement like this: "I feel the presence of the entity in my (stomach, chest, etc.) as (an ache, a pain, a numbness, etc.) and that can change. I want that feeling to go away." Then tap and breathe. Repeat as needed, even when the symptoms, or the location of the symptoms, change.

Second, food is energy, and the real problem is either eating too much or not enough for the energy you need. In my tradition we eat anything we want in moderation according to our energy needs. Personally, I do very well on a low carb/high protein diet, but different people have different metabolisms and have to discover their own body's best way to eat.

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